Monday, June 9, 2008

Tasty Tuesday

Lately I feel like all we hear about is how bad our health is as Americans, how this vegetable has e-coli or salmonella, how animals are injected with this or that, and how fruits and vegetables have tons of chemicals on them and it really kinda scares me! I really wonder if a lot of the stuff that is in our food is what is causing cancers and other health problems we have today, which is why I decided to have our family start to eat some organic foods. It is DEFINITELY more expensive, which is why I did some research and found out that the best place to start is changing your meat and dairy to organic first. Anything a cow, chicken, etc. eats or goes into them goes into you whether it be thru the meat, milk, or eggs you eat. A couple of good websites to check out are and Now that you have listened to my little rant, pretty much the purpose of this post is just to make you think and assess what you eat, not just organically, but in general...let's be more healthy! Take the time to prepare well rounded meals for yourself and your family! Plant a garden to have your own vegetables that are safe and pesticide free! Think about what you are putting in your body and your family's. I am by no means saying to change your whole diet to organic (which we certainly haven't) or be a complete nut about it just maybe make an effort to modify a few things. I believe all things in moderation and a cheeseburger and ice cream won't kill you!


Carrie said...

That's it, I'm coming to you for any and all ideas!