Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Miss Emerson at 18 Months

Well, at 18 months weighs in a 16 lbs 14 ounces and 100% sass. She is so much fun. She finally started walking at 18 months and now is Miss Independent wanting to walk everywhere and do everything herself. She loves anything girly- getting nails and toes painted, dressing up, bows and hats, princesses, and most of all her pink owl. She is totally obsessed with owls!! She likes to eat crackers, dry cereal, pretzels, noodles, chicken nuggets, fries, bananas, yogurt, milk, corn, and potatoes. She says a bunch of words and pretty much can communicate. She isnt potty trained but tells us when she has a dirty diaper. She only uses her binky and night/naps and knows to throw it back in the crib. She makes a handful of animal noises. She looooooves songs/singing. She adores Dawsie aka Dawson. She is just a little ball of fun right now and we love her so much!! PS Miss E got her ears pierced too!!


Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

Love that little lady! (And really love how she calls Reece, "Reecey"! So cute!)

Sarah Jane said...

She is so adorable! I can't believe how big she is now! Such a cutie!