Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Start of Fall

Well, considering i have catch up to do from September and on, I better start blogging again, huh? Here is a quick review of what we did the end of summer/start of fall time!

1. Park City- We like to take advantage of the cheap deals you can get in Park City during the off season of summer/fall and rent a condo for a couple of nights and just RELAX. We played games, ate food, shopped outlets, went to the slides, and had our friends the Andrus' up for a day to hang out. It was fabulous and so nice to get away for the weekend!

2. Dawson Starts Preschool- Yep, we have a preschooler and he LOVES it. He gets so excited whenever he goes and has learned so much already. He is so good at writing his letters and now writes his name. His love of drawing has taken off too. I can't believe he is so big!

3. T-Ball- Dawson did a season of t-ball during the fall and had a lot of fun. He loved hitting the ball and running bases. Outfield? A little too boring for him. The majority of the time he was out in the field he was digging in the dirt not paying any attention. Why bother when you have a gigantic sand box to play in, right? At the end of the season their coach bought them pizza and handed out trophies which Dawson thought was the coolest thing ever.

4. The Circus- Christopher and I plus the kiddos went with Jen, Jer, and Kohen to the circus back in September. It had all the classics of lions, elephants, tight rope walkers, clowns, and trapeze but I think the coolest thing was at the end when we left and we were walking down the sidewalk we had to stop so the elephants could cross. They were literally right there 6 feet away from us! I don't know if I ever saw Dawson's eyes so big!

5. BYU Football Games- Football season hit and D and Chris went to all the home games with his dad and Cameron. I am so glad the boys can have this tradition and that Dawson gets to spend quality time with his dad. One of the games we got free tickets and Lisa, Emerson, and I tagged along. It was fun and Lis got hit on by Cosmo....he stroked her hair and said call me, ha!

6. Misc.- Here are some random pics of the fam that I like!


Holly said...

Oh my! Emerson is getting so big so fast!

Hope we don't have to wait too long for winter posts ;)

Rob and Tammy said...

About time you blogged Girl!! I love the picture of Emerson and Coop - we will have to put that one in there wedding video!! Anyway keep the blogs coming!!

Brandy J. said...

Cooper looks big enough that he could eat Emerson -- yikes! Cute pictures.

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