Emerson turned 3 months yesterday...I seriously feel like time is flying by! We are so excited to bless her with our good family and friends this Sunday! She is such a good baby, and we feel like she has been apart of our family always. I can't really remember what it was like without her! As usual, here is Emerson at 3 months:
-She sleeps through the night and has been since about 2 1/2 months! I feed her at about 10pm for the night then she sleeps until 7:30-8am the next morning. I know, we are definitly lucky!
-She takes good naps too, loves sleeping in her swing or bouncer during the day.
-Still loves her cozy blanket and binky.
-She is much happier in the car now!
-She HATES tummy time!
-She does ok in the bath as long as she stays warm...so getting out is not so fun!
-She wants to be sitting up propped against something or held up. If she is not tired and you hold her laying down she will let you know she is not happy!
-She will grab whatever she can, and loves if you give her a toy to hold onto.
-You just have to look at her and she smiles!
-She has laughed now on 4 different occasions and I hope it starts to happen a lot more!
-She coos and chats with you.
-She loves when you play Patty Cake with her and it has instigated 2 of her laughs.
-We have a Baby Faces book that has big pics of well, baby faces. If you show her the pics she starts kicking and getting really excited and coos.
-She is getting pretty good neck control.
-She still has reflux.
-She HATES getting her nose cleaned out if she has a booger.
-She watches everything around her intently.
Ry's spotlight dance competition, solo night ??
6 years ago
I can't believe she is already 3 months old! She is so sweet, and I love all of her smiles and 'chatting'. That blue outfit is adorable!
What?! How did that happen, 3 months! She's adorable, and still so tiny!
Wow, time flies! She is such a cutie. I love all of the videos that are posted. I especially like when Dawson is Jewish.
I love seeing how Emerson is changing she is a doll!!
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