Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Happenings

So, as it is for everyone this time of year, it has been busy! The blog has been here is an overview of some Christmas happenings with the Selin family!

1. A couple weekends ago we went to Santa Landing at Jordan Landing. They had Santa come in on a firetruck, balloon animals, face painting, hot chocolate, and visits with Santa- all for free! It was chilly but a lot of fun. Dawson has been seeing Santa on TV, in pictures, from a far at the mall; and everytime he sees him he shouts Santa! Santa! all excited. The minute we got into Santa's cottage and I put Dawson on his laps it was hysterics! I couldn't help but laugh. What did he do that night when he saw Santa on tv again? Santa! Santa! I guess it's good he still likes the guy at least, right?

2. That weekend we also headed downtown to look at the lights at Temple Square. They were beautiful as always and we had a ton of fun hanging out with Missy, Jen, Jeremy, Heather, and Tyler.

3. The following Wednesday we went to the library for a Christmas Storytime. They read some stories, sang some songs, then the big guy in red made his appearance. Dawson was very excited when Santa walked in, took a candy cane from him, gave him a high five, and even played with his hat, but would not go anywhere near the guy's knee. At least there were no tears this time!

4. This past Saturday we went out to dinner with Tammy, Rob, Brandy, Dave, Cassidy, and Jared to eat and swap gifts. We had a lot of fun eating and chatting it up with these great people who have become like a family to us. Afterwards, we headed home and Christopher, Dawson, and I made a Gingerbread House. Dawson enjoyed putting candy on the house as much as he enjoyed putting it in his mouth. When we weren't looking he would at lightening speed shove a bunch of candy in his mouth or swipe some frosting off the house and eat it. Such a sugar-holic.

What a wonderful time of year it is, and we are so grateful for the birth of our Savior, our wonderful families, friends, and loved ones. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with good health and lots of love!


Brandy J. said...

Dawson is such a cute gingerbread house-maker!

The Incredible Bulks said...

His smile is priceless in the ginger bread picture!! He couldn't be happier with the outcome, eh?

DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

That gingerbread house looks way better than the one I made with my great grandson. I think I need help!!

Carrie said...

Maybe you should call that Around The World in a Few Short Days Happenings, wow, you guys get around eh? Have an awesome Christmas! We'll SEE YOU when you get back! :)

Rob and Tammy said...

I sure miss you guys and will be glad when you get back from Illinois!!!!!