Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dawson at 2!

The other day we had Dawson's 2 year doctor check-up so I thought I would do a post with some "stats" about Dawson at 2. *Note* The picture is from the other day when I was on the computer blogging. I think it describes a typical climbing, mischievous, problem solver 2 year old. The candy is on the table and Mom said no, so how can I get it? I know! Climb up myself when she is not around and unwrap and eat as many pieces at I can!! *Second Note* Dawson just walked in the room looked at the picture and said "candy!!" Oi. My child is a sugar addict and I don't even let him have a piece every day.

Weight: 22 1/2 pounds (He has pretty much coasted in the 2nd percentile since he was born.)

Height: 34 inches (45th percentile)

Favorite Foods: Yogurt, String Cheese, Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwiches, Macaroni and Cheese, Grapes, Peaches, Corn, Crackers, and Goldfish.

Dislikes: Pretty much any green vegetable. He pokes them and says "ewwww." He is not a big meat eater either.

Favorite Activities: Going outside (so sad it's cold now!), playing with his toy cars, watching the movie Cars, coloring, rough housing with Dad, cuddling with Mom, and helping with whatever chore we are doing.

Other Random Facts: His best friend is Addy...they are so cute together and anytime he sees her he shouts "ADDY!!" and runs to her. He will now pretty much say any word you say. He is starting to use short phrases like "Mom, milk please!" or "all done." He can identify stars, circles, the colors blue and yellow and sometimes orange. He counts to 3 and when he sees a letter he calls it "A." He is a typical boy who loves making sound effects, knocking things down, crashing things, and anything rough. Dawson is a little comedian who feeds off of people laughing at him. He will make silly faces or put something on his head or do something funny and if he sees you laughing he will keep doing it. He is starting to pretend more and I love watching it. He will get a bowl or something and put it on his head and say "hat!" He will line his cars up and drive a couple out and have them crash then park them back by the others. Physically, he can almost jump with both feet, can take his pants and socks off, run away from you quickly, and put shape blocks in their matching holes. He is always very sweet and will give you kisses and hugs and say "Love you!!" He likes being like Dad and every Sunday morning when Dad is getting ready for church Dawson has to put on deoderant, shave, spray cologne, and put on a tie just like Dad (pretend to that is!)

Sorry if the post all about Dawson and his little accomplishments was boring. Like most people, this is partially a journal for me so I can remember all the little things and have them documented, even milestones that Dawson has hit.