Sunday, March 2, 2008


Ok, so I dunno if this is something everyone already knows and has buzzed about who has kids, but I found the coolest thing the other day...these CD's called Rockabye Baby! A bunch on music artists like No Doubt, The Beatles, U2, Bob Marley, Green Day, Rolling Stones, Coldplay, The Beach Boys, and many more have taken popular songs of theirs and transformed them into instrumental lullabies for little tots like my own. I LOVE the Beatles one and the U2 one! They are CD's I could listen to and fall asleep to myself. You all should check it out at If you go to Albums and then click on one you can listen to samples of the songs....check it out!


Holly said...

Oooh Thanks for recamending it!

Adam and Sarah said...

Yeah those things are awesome! I'm definitely gonna have to buy those the next time around!