Name: Dawson Christopher Selin
Age: 11 months 3 weeks
Birthday: November 12, 2006
Weight: Approx. 18-20 pounds
Length: About 29-30 inches
Hair Color: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Likes: Bottles, long crawls around the house, sweet potatoes, blowing raspberries, clapping, baths, pears, Mommy, Daddy, playing with the kitty, older kids, and did I say Mommy?
Dislikes: Getting his nose clean, getting dressed, getting his diaper changed, green beans, getting strapped in his car seat, long shopping trips
Daytime Activities: Playing with toys, exploring, eating, drinking bottles, taking naps, running errands with Mommy, Gymborree, the park, and getting into things.
What I Want to Be When I Grow Up: Right now I like banging on things so maybe a professional drummer? I also like figuring out how things work so maybe an Engineer.
My Heroes: Mommy and Daddy
Favorite Vacation: Visiting my Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunts in Illinois
Ry's spotlight dance competition, solo night ??
6 years ago
Hi Chris & Sarah, it's the Pace family here! Remember us? OK, freaky story--I just literally "stumbled" onto your blog thinking about our old friends in our old neighborhood and typed in selinfamily and sure enough it was you which weirded me out but I'm so happy to see you guys again and you have a cute baby boy on your hands and all is going very well! Ours is, keep in touch!
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