Sunday, March 21, 2010

Holidays and Milestones

Here is a little catch-up of some "events" that have happened around the Selin household!

-Valentine's Day was a regular love fest around here! It is so much fun to get into holiday's with the chillen's to break up the everyday grind. I decided I had so much fun decorating Dawson's door for his birthday and he loved it so much to do it for other holidays too. So in the morning the kids woke up to their doors decked out in hearts and streamers, followed by some little valentine's on the kitchen table and D's fav breakfast of cinnamon rolls! Later that evening Jen and Jer came over for dinner and cookie decorating. I made glace icing for the first time and we had so much fun with it. Jer should seriously go into the cookie decorating business, because he out did all of us with creativity and beauty!

-Our little lady Emerson turned 8 months on the 6th of this month. I went and visited my cousin who just had a baby yesterday (congrats again, Selina...she is beautiful!) and I just kept thinking, wasn't Emerson this tiny just yesterday?? Time sure does fly. We sure do love our little bean, she is so much fun! Some facts about here:
*She is sitting all the time now and prefers it over laying down.
*She is trying to figure out how to get mobile. If something is out of reach she reaches, squirms, and tries to roll to it. She has been trying to get her knees under her and has been successful quite a bit lately. She rocks back and forth when she is up on all fours, so I am just waiting for her to take off.
*She copies Dawson. If he is singing, shouting, talking, being loud, etc. she does it right back. She loves watching him play.
*She is such a good little eater! Dawson was so so picky so she has been a dream! Anything I give her she loves. She likes all baby food, but still loves veggies the most. She is not the biggest fan of baby cereal. She loves puffs, yogurt melts, graham crackers, rice, pieces of beans, and other little soft stuff she can gum.
*If you wave at her, she waves back, but it's with a fist.
*She reaches out for you now.
*She is a good little sleeper, you lay her down and she goes right to sleep. I have noticed unlike Dawson, she is a light sleeper though but will always go right back to sleep at least!
(The other day she decided to check out under the bed...)

-I was out of town with Emerson over St. Patrick's Day (another post!) so I gave Christopher strict instructions on making St. Patrick's Day fun for Dawson, and he so kindly obliged. The night before he had D set out a pair of shoes to receive some treats from the Leprechauns as he slept, and what do you know it worked! He woke up to some candies in his shoes. Christopher also decorated his door for him (and me :) with shamrocks and a sign. Isn't he a great dad and hub? That day they had green food that consisted of green eggs and milk for breakfast and green mac and cheese with hot dogs for dinner. They also wore green to make sure they didn't get pinched of course! Em and I celebrated 1200 miles away in Crystal Lake with my fam by wearing green and eating my grandma's traditional corn beef and cabbage dinner....yum! Unfortunately I had the camera so Chris only got pics on his phone which I need to get from him. Here is an oldie but goodie of Dawson on his first St. Patty's day...cute little man!


The Incredible Bulks said...

How fun! That's so cute that Chris took over for you! I can't believe Emerson is getting so big. Pretty soon all the little girlies will be runnin around the neighborhood!

The Tucketts said...

Emerson's getting so big! I love that Chris took over the St.Patty's duties, what a good husband/dad. Baby Dawson is so cute and so tiny, and now he's such a handsome little boy! They grow so fast.

Missy said...

I can't believe that D was that little at one point!